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Ryuei Ryu Instructors
The Okinawa Ryuei Ryu Karate Kobudo Organization (ORRKKO) maintains strict requirements for each of the certified instructors in order to obtain as well as maintain their instructor certification. Below are the Ryuei Ryu certified instructors under ORRKKO.
Ryuei Ryu Certified Instructors
(Listed in alphabetical order)
Arashiro, Tomohiro 8th Dan (California, USA)
Gomez, Alfonso 7th Dan(California, USA)
Saporiti, Juan 5th Dan (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
Arashiro, Brandon 4th Dan (California, USA)
Bergman, Ophira 5th Dan (California, USA)
Arashiro, Tony 3rd Dan (California, USA)
Spaulding, Chiyo 3rd Dan (Texas, USA)
Jun-Shidoin (1st Kyu)
Jun-Shidoin (2nd Kyu)
Beutler, Sandra 3rd Dan (California, USA)
Jun-Shidoin (3rd Kyu)
Cheung, Michelle 2nd Dan (California, USA)
You, Carine 2nd Dan (California, USA)
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